Responsibility in Action: The wienerberger Code of Conduct
Integrity and trust are the foundation of wienerberger’s success. A comprehensive code of conduct guides all our actions in our day-to-day work.

Does my behavior reflect our values? Would I feel comfortable if I had to explain my actions to others? These are questions that employees and business partners should always ask themselves before they act. To help, wienerberger has drawn up a binding Code of Conduct that provides a moral compass for our day-to-day activities – at every location and across all areas of work. The Code is based on our corporate values of trust, respect, passion and creativity.
“The wienerberger Code of Conduct ensures that we behave with integrity and adhere to high ethical standards in all our dealings with stakeholders. We want to provide our employees with a compass for their behavior and ensure that potential compliance violations are identified in good time. The aim is to prevent misconduct from happening in the first place.”
Code of Conduct Defines Rules
The Code of Conduct applies to wienerberger and all subsidiaries in which the company holds an interest of at least 50 percent. In addition, business partners are expected to comply with the Code, which aims to create a common understanding. With the Code of Conduct wienerberger promotes integrity, ethical business practices and adherence to all applicable national and international legal standards across all areas of work.
wienerberger encourages employees, customers, business partners and suppliers to report any potential violations. Disciplinary or legal action may be taken in the event of misconduct. But to stop things ever getting this far, wienerberger has put a raft of preventive measures in place, ranging from special training to communication tools.
Ensuring Good Corporate Citizenship
wienerberger takes its societal responsibility very seriously, is transparent in its communication and totally committed to strict principles of good corporate citizenship. The international supplier of innovative ecological solutions for the entire building envelope in new construction and renovation projects as well as infrastructure solutions for water and energy management, rejects all forms of corruption, bribery, unfair business practices and extortion. Regular training sessions are therefore held to raise awareness of these issues. Employees are required and empowered to behave in a way that enables us to achieve our strict goal of “zero incidents of corruption.”
The Capital Market Compliance Guidelines provide a framework to ensure free and fair competition. For example, as part of its lobbying activities, wienerberger advocates for issues such as the provision of affordable social housing in Europe. The Code of Conduct for Lobbying Activities lays down clear rules for such activities.
Information Security and Health
Privacy, personal data and confidential information must be protected – be it in the office, at a production plant or when working from home. wienerberger works in accordance with all national and international data protection regulations. The company continuously invests in security measures to ensure the best possible protection for its information systems. In addition, all employees are called upon to be aware of the dangers when using the Internet.
From encouraging responsible behavior to minimizing risks and avoiding accidents: wienerberger does all it can to provide a safe working environment. The Health & Safety Policy provides a common guideline. This includes, for example, adhering to the “5S” (Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain) philosophy. At a supplier of building material and infrastructure solutions, everyone is responsible for safety – from the board members to workers and suppliers.
For the People
wienerberger protects human rights in all its business activities. Fair working conditions, fair remuneration and open dialogue are key concerns. Quality, ecological and social standards are upheld along the entire supply chain and compliance is regularly evaluated on the basis of the Supplier Code of Conduct.
The company is committed to implementing the ten Principles of the UN Global Compact. Discrimination or harassment on the grounds of age, gender, religion, origin or other characteristics are not tolerated. In addition, the company also supports social projects. One example is the long-standing cooperation with Habitat for Humanity International.
Responsibility for the Planet
From decarbonization and the circular economy to biodiversity, water and waste management: In its Sustainability Program 2023-2026 wienerberger has set itself clearly defined and ambitious ESG goals. These too go beyond the requirements of existing regulations. To minimize the environmental impacts or risks of its business operations and promote opportunities by our products and services, wienerberger continuously monitors and improves its own processes, products and services with a quality and sustainability management system.
In a nutshell: The Code of Conduct defines rules for behavior that support wienerberger’s mission – to create a better future for humankind and nature.

Independent Whistleblowing Service
The external and independent whistleblowing service “SeeHearSpeakUp“ enables employees to report suspected misconduct anonymously and confidentially. The wienerberger Whistleblowing Committee will then conduct an investigation according to clear guidelines. wienerberger does not tolerate any discrimination or reprisal against individuals who raise concerns, ask questions, or report suspected misconduct in good faith.
Are you aware of any illegal, unethical or inappropriate behavior at wienerberger? If so, please report it by:
- calling the toll-free whistleblowing number for your country
- sending an e-mail to report@seehearspeakup.co.uk
- using an online form that is available in multiple languages