Ratings and recognitions confirm wienerberger's sustainability strategy
Sustainability has always been in our DNA and is therefore an essential part of our company's 200-year history. We assume responsibility - under ecological, social and economic aspects - for a livable future. This is also reflected in our external recognitions.

CDP: "B" rating (management band)
wienerberger reported to CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) for the third time in 2024 and was again awarded a B rating (management band). The rating confirms that wienerberger is taking coordinated action on climate issues. wienerberger's disclosures on climate change are a response to the increasing demand for environmental transparency on the part of our investors, customers and political decision-makers.
CDP is a global non-profit organization that operates the world's largest platform for the disclosure of environmental and climate information. Over 24,000 companies around the world disclosed data through CDP in 2024. CDP takes into account standards such as ESRS, IFRS S2 and TNFD and has the largest environmental database in the world. CDP results are often used to inform investment and procurement decisions towards a zero-carbon, sustainable and resilient economy.
More: www.cdp.net
* Date of published report: February 6, 2025

EcoVadis: Gold for wienerberger
In November 2024*, wienerberger received the Gold medal and is among the top 5% of the evaluated companies in our industry. This achievement is mainly owed to our high performance in sustainable procurement and environment.
wienerberger’s sustainability performance is being assessed by EcoVadis since 2019. We also have the sustainability performance and potential risks of our suppliers in selected purchasing areas assessed by EcoVadis. As part of this cooperation, the sustainability assessments and risk analyses of the relevant suppliers are continuously rolled out.
EcoVadis is one of the world's leading providers of business sustainability ratings.
More: EcoVadis
* Date of published report: November 22, 2024.

MSCI ESG*: AAA Rating for wienerberger
MSCI ESG* awarded wienerberger the highest rating of AAA again in November 2024 for the ninth time in a row**.
MSCI is a leading provider of decision-making tools and services to the global investment community.
More: MSCI
* (ENGLISH ONLY): The use by Wienerberger AG of any MSCI ESG Research LLC or its affiliates (“MSCI”) data, and the use of MSCI logos, trademarks, service marks or index names herein, do not constitute a sponsorship, endorsement, recommendation, or promotion of Wienerberger AG by MSCI. MSCI services and data are the property of MSCI or its information providers and are provided ‘AS-IS’ and without warranty. MSCI names and logos are trademarks or services marks of MSCI.
** Date of published report: November 8, 2024

ISS ESG: Prime status for wienerberger
wienerberger maintained its B- rating and was again classified as a Prime Investment in July 2024*. This status was first awarded to us in 2013 and places us in the top decile of rated companies in the building materials industry. This makes our market-traded securities stand out as an attractive ESG investment.
ISS ESG, a leading rating agency in the sustainable investment segment, analyzes and rates social, environmental and corporate governance aspects of international companies.
More: ISS ESG Corporate Rating
* Date of published report: July 26, 2024

Sustainalytics: “Medium Risk” rating for wienerberger
In November 2024*, wienerberger was rated medium risk of being exposed to material financial impacts from ESG factors. The result was due in particular to our strong corporate governance, environmental policy and overall ESG management.
Sustainalytics, a Morningstar company, is a leading provider of environmental, social and governance (ESG) analysis, ratings and data.
More: Sustainalytics
* Date of published report: November 12, 2024.

VÖNIX Sustainability Index
wienerberger continues to be represented in the VÖNIX Sustainability Index for the years 2023/24, where we have been listed since its inception in 2005. It was one of the first national sustainability indices and demonstrates the long-term benefits of sustainable management and investment.
The VÖNIX includes those domestic companies listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange that are leaders in environmental and social performance.
* Since July 2023
ASRA Award for wienerberger Sustainability Report
In 2021* wienerberger was awarded the prestigious Austrian Sustainability Reporting Award (ASRA) in the category "Large Companies and Organizations" for the fifth time in a row. The wienerberger Sustainability Report 2020 and our Sustainability Program 2023 convinced the jury with the consistent and transparent implementation of our sustainability strategy, as well as our focus on current topics such as decarbonization, circular economy and biodiversity.
ASRA annually honors the best sustainability reports of Austrian companies.
More: ASRA.
* The ASRA Award was presented in November 2021.