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“We care for a better tomorrow.” This sums up wienerberger’s vision in a nutshell. The goal of the group with a strong international presence and a focus on sustainability is to improve people’s quality of life and build a better world for present and future generations. Driven by four strong values – trust, respect, passion and creativity – the approximately 19,000 employees around the globe are helping to shape the future with their immense commitment and dedication.

Leinwand mit Handabdrücken und den wienerberger Werten

wienerberger’s vision:

Innovative and sustainable solutions for the planet, people and convenience.

wienerberger’s Vision: For a Better World

“From climate change to digitalization – we live in an age of great complexity. This is why at wienerberger we want to be clear and transparent about who we are, what we want to achieve and how we work,” explains Ulrike Baumgartner-Foisner, Senior Vice President Group Organizational Development and HR.

In 2022 the corporate vision was sharpened in a multi-stage process involving business partners, employees and diverse stakeholders: “The long-term goal of our efforts to advance sustainable building and modern living is to build a better future, to play a leading role in our industry and to be the preferred employer in our local markets.”

“We live in an age of great complexity This is why at wienerberger we want to be clear and transparent about who we are, what we want to achieve and how we work.”

Ulrike Baumgartner-Foisner

Ulrike Baumgartner-Foisner

Senior Vice President Group Organizational Development and HR at wienerberger

Solutions for People, the Planet and for Convenience

Innovative and sustainable solutions for renovations, new buildings and infrastructure projects are the way forward and are how wienerberger makes a significant contribution for people, the planet and convenience. “We put people first,” stresses Ulrike Baumgartner-Foisner. “Our solutions are made by people for people. We embrace diversity, support the professional and personal development of our employees and are committed to meeting the needs of our customers, partners and the community.”

For the planet wienerberger has set ambitious sustainability goals. In addition to lowering CO2 emissions, efforts focus on promoting circularity, fostering biodiversity and on efficient energy, water and waste management. All-in products and services tailored to customer requirements make life easier and ensure convenience. The key to all this is innovation and digitalization. “We supply what others really need – solutions that are convenient and easy to install and use,” says Ulrike Baumgartner-Foisner. 

colorful cake pops with wienerberger values © Daniel Hinterramskogler

wienerberger’s Values: Trust, Respect, Passion and Creativity

At wienerberger more than 19,000 people from around 60 countries work to realize the company’s vision – in different countries, at different sites and across all fields of activity. As they do so, they are guided and inspired by four strong fundamental values:

  • Trust grounds us
  • Respect connects us
  • Passion drives us
  • Creativity brings us to life

Lisa-Maria Kepplinger

This is what trust means to me


“Trust is the basis of any relationship and is therefore essential in life. For me, trust means being able to rely on others but also on myself.”

Trust: the basis of successful collaboration

All successful interpersonal relationships are based on trust. This is why wienerberger’s workforce takes its responsibilities seriously and reliably fulfills its obligations. Employees approach others with open minds and encourage one another. They have faith in the skills and experience of their colleagues and are keen to learn from them. This creates a safe space in which people can grow. Because trust grounds us.

Hillary Radermacher

This is what respect means to me


“Respect is the ability to self-reflect and to recognize that you can’t be an expert in everything. It allows other people - who have different experiences, knowledge sets and values that they can bring to the table - to assist you by expressing their ideas and thoughts.”

Respect: meeting as equals

Respect is about showing appreciation and taking on responsibility – for people and the environment. At wienerberger this means: Working in teams as equals, finding a balance between give and take, and appreciating the knowledge, diverse experience and needs of others. The company embraces diversity and inclusion to ensure a positive corporate atmosphere. Because respect connects us.

Angelika Heider

This is what passion means to me


“For me, passion means having a job that gets me up in the morning, that excites me and makes me want to move things forward. It also helps me to find purpose and meaning in what I do.”

Passion: get down to work with a smile

Get so caught up in what you are doing that you forget the time: Realizing the vision together awakens passion. People who work for wienerberger are people who get things done. They are dedicated and take on responsibility, strive to reach their full potential and want to ensure high standards for products and services. With their inner drive and optimism, they overcome challenges thus creating innovation and promoting further development and growth. Because passion drives us.

Amir Ali Azarnia

This is what creativity means to me


“For me, creativity is a problem-solving skill. You look for innovative solutions to existing problems by combining concepts from different fields.”

Creativity: exploring new possibilities

Break with habitual mindsets and have the courage to dream big: An open mind will open up new perspectives. Learning from our successes and setbacks and seeing them as opportunities for fresh ideas is a key driver at wienerberger. It is what enables us to develop the innovative solutions and services that contribute to a more sustainable way of life. Because creativity brings us to life. 

“Creativity is about more than just new product solutions. It is also about finding new paths and adapting to the world and society.”

Heimo Scheuch

Heimo Scheuch


Daniel Hinterramskogler

Being part of the world of wienerberger means internalizing the four fundamental values, living by them in our daily work and in doing so inspiring others. The vision and distinctive corporate culture at wienerberger are key to the success and innovation needed to develop sustainable solutions and drive the digitalization of the construction industry.

Learn more about wienerberger

Child hold hand of a women, walking

Our focus is on people

At wienerberger people are at the heart of all we do: Our relationships with one another are characterized by trust, respect, passion and creativity.
Praktikum © Wienerberger AG

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